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Monday, August 31, 2015

A Note About Hamburger:

This food goes back to Eastern Europe and how far is anyone's guess and it doesn't really matter. It first turns up in America at the St Louis world fair in 1904 by the local German faction of St Louis.

The fact that hamburger is the hands down favorite fast food and probably overall most used meat in the country. That it is a handy source of protein is all that really interests me but there is one point that should be cleared up so as not to confuse anyone confronted with it.

Salisbury Steak is nothing more than a flattened out, larger portion of hamburger, even though some purists will insist that it is the chopped onions used as filler that makes it "Salisbury". Not so; Salisbury Steak was introduce by an English Doctor named Salisbury near the turn of the 18th to 19th century and onions were not involved. He used it as a prescribed daily regimen for certain types of malnutrition. That was probably due to a lack of any kind of meat in the pots of London's poor.

I happen to love a good cheeseburger and a good hamburger steak and I enjoy these two items regularly. I hope you do too.
