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Thursday, April 20, 2017

Last of Breads

As I mentioned at the start of this subject, there are so many varieties of bread produced around the world, I would just highlight the ones most common to the Americas and parts of Europe and Canada; Canada because it is known to be the "breadbasket of the world" due to its seemingly unending wheat fields and immense production of said wheat.

The common denominator of bread is that wheat flour is the primary ingredient and with this as the base, the addition of yeast, a little salt for flavor, water, then kneaded (mixing of ingredients so that they become as one; usually with the hands or by use of an electric mixer) and let sit to rise, then in the oven till golden brown and you have the basic loaf of bread that has become the number one food source added to the world supplies of food, even ahead of Rice at number two and Noodles which includes the various pasta's of Southern Europe, at number three.

Adding sugar or other sweeteners or spices to the basic formula gives us such staples as donuts, cakes, pie dough, cookies etc., etc. But these are not commonly recognized as bread so I haven't highlighted them under this subject.

I'm currently researching desserts and will at least mention the sweet dough products, but I am amazed at what I'm learning about desserts of the world and I am sure that you will be also.