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Monday, June 22, 2015

Fats and Oils in the Diet.

In an earlier post I touched on the importance of fat in the diet, specifically milk fat because of my earlier employment in a dairy.
I didn't go into much detail but here are some specifics:
Saturated Fats: Saturated with hydrogen atoms and does not contain double bonds between carbon atoms therefore they are not good for the heart because they raise your bad cholesterol level.
Simply put, Saturated fat is not good for us.

Un-Saturated Fat: They do contain the above mentioned double bonds with the carbon atom and so they help lower your cholesterol levels.

Trans fat: A type of fat that has to do with the configuration of molecules that has a negative effect on our health and the what is interesting is that the vast majority of trans fats are manufactured

Ok, The above is what the experts, by consensus (majority agreement), have been telling us. So why, after so many years of eating "low fat",  "no fat", skim this and that, are we not getting healthier?? Why is obesity so much on the increase?

The fact is that our body needs fat to do many things like protect the liver from harmful particles. In fact much of the fat we use is stored in the liver. It converts the vitamins that are  oil/fat soluble via the "fatty acids from useless to useful. The fats help us maintain healthy bones, lungs, skin and immune system and from 40 to 50% of the fats we use are saturated fats.
I only say this because of observing that society is not noticably doing any better by going the Low Fat etc path. But for myself I will eat as I always do without much regard for the amount of fats I eat with one exception: I stay away from trans fat. you will notice that in my cook book I don't make much distinction for or against the eating of fats.
Next Post: Gluten. Stay tuned.


1 comment:

  1. I've been telling people this for YEARS. Nice to hear some facts about it! Thank you!
