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Saturday, June 6, 2015

Relationship Between Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and Minerals work together and accomplish more in that togetherness than each Vitamin or Mineral does on its own.

Every Mineral, when working, affects other minerals which in turn affects other minerals etc. Like dominos in a line being knocked down.
In addition, The amount of one mineral can cause other minerals to stop working which in turn can affect the  Vitamins.

For example: it has been written that men need zinc more than women because zinc affects the health of men's reproductive system, but too much zinc will suppress the body's absorption of copper and copper is needed for proper absorption into the bloodstream of iron and iron carries oxygen needed by every cell in the body. Again, another domino effect.

Metabolism is the interaction of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates etc, in living organisms that provide energy and nutrients needed to sustain life and livingness.

It is clear that Vitamins are needed to aid in the metabolizing of minerals.   For example: to correct something like an iron deficiency, just taking an iron supplement may not work. This could be because Vitamins C, B6, and A, all aid in the metabolizing of iron so a lack of those could be part of the cause of the anemia (iron deficiency).

Another example would be the relationship between zinc and Vit A so that a deficiency of one may cause a problem with the other. A  solution to the above two examples could be supplementing your diet with a Multi- Vitamin/Mineral tablet.



  1. Great info, thanks! Do you think a multi-vitamin and multi-mineral supplement would be best to make sure everything is in balance?

    1. I can only speak for myself and I do take a multi vit/min tablet daily but also read my post on oils/fats in the diet. I will be finished with it this week so stay tuned and thanks for the comment.
