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Thursday, May 28, 2015

More on Vitamin Deficiencies

The following Vitamins are the fat soluble ones which means that they need to be dissolved before they can be utilized by the body. Water soluble Vitamins were discussed in yesterday's post; problems related to deficiencies were noted and here are the problems related to deficiencies of the Fat Soluble Vitamins:

Vit A....eye problems including blindness; stunting of growth in children; dry scaly skin and prone to infections.

Vit D....bone softening in adults and improper bone growth in children.

Vit E....breakdown of the re blood cells; heart disease; potential nerve damage leading to pain, numbness and weakness, especially in the hands and feet.

Vit K....inability of the blood to clot leading to internal bleeding.


  1. Can I get these vitamins in foods?

  2. Can I get these vitamins in foods?

  3. yes, In an upcoming post I will be tying all of the data together, showing how each component of nutrition works in keeping the body healthy

  4. So I just got news that an acquaintance of mine has breast cancer AND her husband was recently diagnosed with cancer as well although they're not sure what kind yet. I find this,interesting as they are both vegan AND germaphobes...thoughts?

    1. I wouldn't have a clue about the causes of cancer and as for your aquantince I don't really have enough data about them, where they live, lifestyle, personal relationship between the husband and wife etc etc to even much of an opinon to offer; and certainly not a diagnosis even if I had all the data since the only thing I'm really qualified for is raising my daughter in a healthy manner and in that I think I succeded, but thank you for commenting and keep it coming.

  5. Lol
    Yes I was thinking since they both got it they may've been exposed to something in their local environment.

  6. Lol
    Yes I was thinking since they both got it they may've been exposed to something in their local environment.

  7. Lol
    Yes I was thinking since they both got it they may've been exposed to something in their local environment.
