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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Vitamin Deficiencies

Vitamin deficiency falls in just three categories:

Your diet is lacking in the correct nutrients to break down/make soluble the vitamins found in the foods you eat.

You are not eating the foods that contain the full range of essential vitamins.
You know the above two points but do not take vitamin supplements either.

Here is a table of water soluble vitamins and the consequences of being deficient in that vitamin.

B1....damages or weakening of the nerves and heart muscle.

B2.... Redness, swelling and pain of the mouth and lips, eyes and the nervous system.

B3(Niacin)....causes skin lesions, Intestinal pains and general nervous system upsets. Note: Niacin runs radiation out of the body and the flush you get when taking this Vit is the radiation coming off. problems such as dermatitis; depression and in severe cases, convulsions; anemia (too few red blood cells in the system).

Folic Acid....damage to red blood cells; heart palpitations; redness and swelling of mouth and in pregnant women, damaged fetus.

B12....intestinal upsets and nervousness.

Pantothenic acid....general weakness, intestinal upsets and nervousness, fatigue and nausea.

Biotin.... hair loss; dermatitis; conjunctivitis (pink eye); confusion.

Vit C.... scurvy (swollen and bleeding gums; joint pain); deep tissue bleeding and anemia.

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