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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A Note on Vitamins

Vitamins are distinct in Several ways from other important compounds such as proteins carbohydrates and lipids. Although these latter substances are also indispensable for proper body function almost all of them can be synthesized in sufficient quantities.

Vitamins cannot be synthesized sufficiently to meet the needs of the body so must be obtained from the diet or from other synthetic source and for this reason vitamins are called essential nutrients.

Vitamins need only small amounts to complete their basic function which are of a regulatory or catalytic nature.

They facilitate or control vital chemical reactions in the body's cells.

Therefore, if vitamins are not properly absorbed specific diseases can develop. The classic example of this is the use of Vit C to prevent Scurvy; the scourge of sailors and their years long voyages.

Two classes of Vitamins are: Oil/Fat soluble and water soluble; This means that the vitamin can be dissolved in oil or the oil in certain fats or in water and thus be able to be used to its full purpose.
Water soluble vitamins: Vitamin C; all of the B vitamins (B complex); Biotin and Pantothenic acid.
Oil/Fat soluble vitamins: A; D, E, K.
