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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Fats in Food

When I was in high school one of the jobs I held was working at a dairy. The fellow in charge of pasteurizing the milk, making the ice cream and other products; cheeses etc, was quite the depository of knowledge and once you got him going he just spewed it out. What he spewed was all about fat content in milk and the importance of it in a persons diet.

One of the things he told me was that fat was necessary in helping your body digest foods because without it you couldn't get any benefit from the fat soluble vitamins. Fat also helps keep the body warm, cushions your inner organs from damage incurred from the usual jolts and jars of life and the living of it.

The pasteurizing of milk kills the micro-organisms and bacteria's that cause such diseases as Scarlet fever, Diphtheria and TB to name a few plus the bacteria's of E-Coli, Listeria (recently found in Bluebell Ice Cream) and Salmonella etc. More on this later as it relates to nearly everything in both cooking and eating.

When I was raising my daughter I started out not knowing much about foods and cooking but had to learn fast since a dead wife is no help at all. I remembered such things as Fat content and spent a lot of time at the library learning as much as I could. I was determined to feed my child those things that would keep her healthy and growing without undue stress on her or me and I am imparting some of that with this blog and the cookbook I wrote called "The Cookbook for Single Fathers, a Journey Through No Man's Land".

Stay tuned.


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