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Tuesday, November 22, 2016



Aroma: Anything giving off a sweet smelling fragrance.
Fragrant: Pleasant smell.

If you have a cold and can't smell, it is also true that you can't taste either.
Occasionally when reading a book describing food or watching the food channel or perhaps a TV movie about the holidays and it's attending dinner, you find your mouth watering and especially the scene where someone takes a bite and says something like Wow! or Oh my God! or I can't believe this; all wonderful to hear or read about but I've yet to hear anyone mention the smells.

Here are a couple of examples:
Imagine again, the trail drive: It's the end of the days drive, the cattle are watering and beginning to graze, some already bedding down in the gathering dusk. A cowboy, the first to finish turning his horse out to the Remuda walks into the Chuck Wagon area and not looking at anything, immune to the strong smell of cattle and dust still hanging in the air, gets an image of the cooking fire now reduced to a long bed of glowing coals, he knows from the smell of coffee that there would be two large coffee pots beginning to boil, stomach growls; along with that the tang of fresh sourdough biscuits but not noticing "cookie" removing them from the still hot dutch oven he gets another slight odor of Beef and Beans and his stomach gives another flip and still he hasn't laid eyes on any of the food. Just those wonderful aromas.

Thanksgiving day, anywhere USA.
Something waking you up in the morning; Coffee aroma-strong; later in the day, something baking; Bread or rolls maybe and still later, the unmistakable smell of Roasting Turkey.
By this time it would be halftime at the game you are watching on TV...probably the Detroit Lions and whomever they playing this year.
But the overriding problem you are having is the accumulation of smells of the day about to drive you nutty.
And speaking of nuts; you eye the now empty nut bowl full of broken shells. and you take a last sip of slightly warm beer and realize that nothing else will do than to sit down to the magnificent feast called Thanksgiving Dinner.
The first, but not the only, thing I'm thankful for is that I don't have a cold.

Happy Thanksgiving day to all.


  1. What a good point! I don't think I ever thought about that, but so true that the aroma is what draws me in first! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Hopefully, I can manage NOT to burn the gravy and have these wonderful smells in my house too! Happy Turkey Day!

  3. Coffee, butter, and many others smells better than actual taste.

    1. True, but it definitely draws me in...but how can you NOT love butter?? LOL!

  4. I disagree but that leads to another Axiom:

    "Goodness, Badness,
    Beautifulness, Ugliness, are alike considerations and no
    basis other than opinion".

    But I love your opinion.


  5. Definitely opinion-based. For example, I like the smell of Cigars...not so much the taste! And Starbucks beans, hate the smell of them, but when I add Steamed Half and Half, chocolate and vanilla, LOVE the taste LOL

    1. Wonderful opinions and I love reading them. It is almost as much fun for me as writing the blogs in the first place.

  6. Good news! Athough I didn't have the traditional holiday meal, I did cook 2 game hen with all the traditional trimmings, and I had a wonderful aroma throughout the house. I actually stepped outside at one point to "clear the palate" and walked back in and immediately noticed how wonderful it was :-)

    1. Yeah, that will do it and I'll bet you had a great dinner as well.

